The Life You Live Is Entirely Up To You

Are you a person who makes New Year’s Resolutions?  People often make resolutions for the New Year and in a couple of days to weeks, they are throwing in the towel on the declarations that they made.   Making a resolution and not keeping it is profitable for gyms and subscription services, but it’s not good for moving us in the direction to live our perfect lives

I love using New Year’s Eve as a point to review my life, I celebrate what I have accomplished over the last year and I create a design for the life that I want to live in the coming year.  I am as grateful for the failures as I am for the wins.  Often, I learn more from my failures than I do my wins.  Being grateful for everything puts me in a position of power to create my ideal life.

Leaving the past for the future.

New Start In Life

In order to create the life you want, it is important to start with a blank canvas.  The first step is to clear any regrets, resentments, and disappointments.  Writing a letter of forgiveness to everyone you have regrets, resentments, or disappointments with including yourself.  Clearing up the past and letting it go prepares you to live differently.

Begin your letter: “Dear ______”  Write every disappointment, anger, and insult that bothers you with that person.  Get all of your feelings out.  When you can’t think of anything else that bothers you about your relationship with the person then it is time to end the letter.  This is how you end it, write:  “I forgive you.  The debt between us is canceled.  You are free to live your highest good and I am free to live mine. We go at peace.”  You then sign the letter and burn it or shred it. All anger, resentments, and disappointments are cleared.

If you are ready to create your perfect life in 2023, now is the best time to start.  Your power is in the present moment and not the past and not the future.  Starting off the year by looking at your life in the areas of Mind, Body, Family Finances, and Society.    Envision what you want your life to look like in each of these areas.  What would you be doing if you were living your 10 life?  Where would you be living?  Who would you be hanging out with?  What would you be doing to support your health?  How would you be earning money?  What would you be doing to give back to society?

Designing Your Accomplishments

I have a fun activity that you can and don’t have to use to design your accomplishments for the year.  Choose someone who you feel really understands you and supports you in whatever you choose to do.  If you have a coach, therapist, or bestie these are usually people who provide you with that level of understanding, support, and belief in you.  This is the person you will send your letter to.

When you begin the letter, you will date it one year from the day you begin writing it.  “Dear  __________, I am so excited that I am living my perfect life.  I set some really exciting goals for myself, and I am living them all.  Sharing them with you and receiving your support meant a lot and I wanted to let you know how it all worked out.  Thank you for believing in me as much as I believe in myself.”

Next, you will go address each of your goals in the 5 areas, Mind, Body, Relationships/Family, Finances, and Community/Society.  You will remind your person of what your goal was and write in great detail how you achieved the goal, how it made you feel, and how you pushed through when there were obstacles.  Remember there will always be obstacles.  You are your hero and every hero’s journey has obstacles.  The more detail you put into how you overcame the obstacles the more valuable this letter will be.

Don’t forget to go into detail about where you are living.  Are you in a rural area, a big city, or perhaps on an island?  Did you choose to move?  How did you accomplish that and who assisted you?  What were the struggles and how did you overcome them?  What do you like best about where you are living.  There is a saying that the devil is in the details.  The more details you go into the more powerful this letter will be.  Remember you are sharing all the details of your journey to your goals.

Be sure to do this with your relationships too.  All relationships, family, friends, and love connections.  Don’t write what you have or what you think you can have.   Write exactly what you want as if you have accomplished it.  You are the author of your story.  You are the hero.  You’ve got this.

Some people struggle with this when it comes to finances.  Choose to be bold, courageous, powerful, and worthy and you will create possibilities, abundance, and healing in the world. Be very specific about the work you are doing.  Where you will be doing the work.  Who you will be working with.  Do you get to work from home?  Do you get to travel?  How much money are you making?  Your financial success could also be that you are getting training or education for the career you really desire.  If that is the case then be sure to include how much money the training costs, how you came up with it and how it feels to be living your dream.


Once you complete this letter, you will share it with the person you wrote it to and ask them to keep it for a year.  You will place the letter in a safe place and put a reminder on your calendar to read the letter the next year on that date.  Reading the letter in a year is a magical experience.  I have written these letters and had my coaching clients write these letters and I am never disappointed and always amazed at how life reflects these letters.  Imagine the excitement when you meet with your person a year from now and you read the letter together.

All of the answers to the questions you have in life are already located inside of you.  You can change your life in a moment.  We live a Be-Do-Have Life.  My husband and I partner with the Human’s Being More company, Nikken.   Our founder, Mr. Masuda believed that anything was possible and it is.  !00% is possible 100% of the time.  If you aren’t living the life you aspire to live, you can begin now.

Mr. Masuda did not have enough money to take care of a family member’s health issue and that was a big why for him to start a business. He had done transformational training and he believed that he could change his life, change the lives of his family, and change the world.  Mr. Masuda created a holistic energy product that 48 years later is still changing lives. He led his company to a billion in sales in less than 5 years which was a record at the time back in the 70’s. This was even more impressive because his company was only located on the island of Japan and his product was sold door to door.  He believed he could.  He did it.  He had his ideal life for his family and his legacy.

Because he cared about the world and supporting others in living their best lives, he created a personal development course that was first called Silver Training and later became Humans Being More.  Every Monday morning Mr. Masuda would not ask how many products had been sold over the weekend.  Instead, he would ask how many people had attended the Humans Being More Training.  Mr. Masuda wanted to leave a legacy of hope, health, and possibility.    He passed away in 2020 and he did leave an amazing legacy with the Nikken Global Wellness Community.

Create Your Legacy

You are never too young and never too old to create a legacy that will last long after you leave the planet.  The best legacy that you can create is a life of contribution and being a model for all those who want to live their perfect lives.  Live the life that you choose.  Do you want a for-filling love relationship?  You can have it.  Do you want to have financial abundance in your life?  You can have it.  Do you want to live a life of wellness?  You can do it?  Do you want 10 relationships with your family?  You can have them.  Do you want to leave a legacy for your community?  You can do it.  Anything is possible.

You are the author of your life.  What do you really want in life?  What would you do if you could not fail?  “Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.  Begin it now.”  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.   I believe in you!  Believe in yourself!  Choose to make 2023 your best year ever!

My gift to you this year is a complimentary 50 minute coaching session to design your perfect life for 2023.  Contact me if you would like to schedule a session to create your roadmap for better health and more wealth.